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Former German measurements are very confusing. Measurements even if called the same varied from province to province, Kingdom to Kingdom , Citystate to Citystate, and nose to nose. Between 1755 and 1793, three official measuring system were used in East Prussia alone. I you shake you head in wonderment just look at today’s measurement in the english speaking sphere of influence, it was not much better. The list is towards the end of this page. The beginning of this list should give you a general overview of measurements commonly used in Germany before the introduction of the metric system. I have restricted my list to the me known measurements in the formerly eastern part of Germany, generally to extend of the database. Today’s system is the Metric system or the International System of Units ( SI ). This system is, with the exception of the United States, used around the world. Contrary to what Americans believe it has nothing to do with a Communist conspiracy. Once the hype with the Internet is over this could be the new, get on the Bandwagon thing. :-)))) One really does not know when a system starts. As long as there is enough land and nobody needs to extract certain services or money to finance anything. measurements are not important. Everything was done by barter and had certain value not much influenced by outside supply and demand. At the beginning of the German kolonisation (1233) the Alt kulmische Masz was introduced. It was based on the Flamisch system.
ALT KULMISCHE MASZ 1 Meile = 1800 Ruten 7777.24 Meter 1 Rute = 15 Schuh 4.3218 Meter 1 Schuh = 0.28812 Meter 1 Elle = 2 Schuh 0.57624 Meter
NEU KULMISCHE MASZ I’m at a loss to explain why there was a need to change the System by as little as they did. In 1577 it was decided to add two ( 2 ) thumbwidths to a Rute. 1 New Rute = 4.3892 Meter 1 Old Rute = 4.3218 Meter Difference = 0.0674 Meter, about 6.7 cm My not so small hands have thumbs width of 2.4 cm each for a total of 4,8 cm and you can take it from there. Some giant they must have used for measurement. OLETZKOISCHE MASZ. During a 1721 conference in Oletzko ( Treuburg) it was decided to change to a new measurement again. A Rute became a little shorter. It was referred to as oletzkoisches Maß. 1 Rute = 4.1698 Meter MAGDEBURGISCHE MASZ. In 1755 by edict of Friedrich the II the magdeburgische Maß was gradually adopted. By gradually is meant it was first used for the königlichen (noble) Vorwerke only. Generally in use throughout Prussia, but not in Eastprussia, it was based on the rheinländische system which was somewhat based on the English system in the counting method (12) versa the metric system of 10. 1 Meile = 2000 Ruten 7532. 5 Meter 1 Rute = 12 Fuss 3.7662 Meter 1 Fuss = 12 Zoll 0.31385 Meter 1 Zoll = 12 Strich 0.0261541 Meter Clearer heads prevailed and a further simplification took place in 1793 by declaring the magdeburgische system alone in effect for all transactions. A further simplification took effect in 1813 by converting part of it to the 10 (Zehnersystem) measurement of units and from 1816 all references converted to the 10 system. At which time it was refered to as: PREUSSISCHES MASZ It did change some measurement. 1 Meile = 2000 Ruten 7532.5 Meter 1 Rute = 10 Fuss, formerly 12 Fuss.
Hallelujah ! Finally on January 1, 1872 the metric system was introduced. See comparison to older and english system on bottom of this page.
AREA MEASUREMENTS. If you consider the myriad of lenght measurements used you can well imagine the proliferation of area measurements it brings with it. The altkulmische Maß was hardly used. The Neu kulmische Feldmaß was not used after 1721 with the introduction of the oletzkoische Feldmaß ( Landmeasurements). 1 Hufe = 30 Morgen 17.3387 ha 1 Morgen = 300 Quadratruten, Ruten² 0.577955 ha 1 Quadratrute 19.2652 m² Nothing was made easy with the handling of measurements. Between 1755 and 1793 three different Feldmaße were used. The kulmian Maß was used for adlige,(noble) kölmische(free) and Schatullgüter. The Oletzko Maß was used for the königliche (King’s) Bauerngüter (Estates), and the Magdeburger Maß was used for königliche Vorwerke. The magdeburgische Feldmaß was introduced about 1755. It did not changed the amount of land one had, but increased the numerical quantity. 1 Hufe = 30 Morgen 7.6597 ha 1 Morgen = 180 Quadratruten(square-ruten) 25.5322 ar 1 Quadratrute = 14.1876 m²
In 1813 the preussische Feldmaß was introduced, which in turn was identical to the magdeburgische Feldmaß. The Hufe/..n was dropped.
VOLUMES. If you read through the above measurements in confusion you may want to quit now. Volume measurements varied from city to city. It varied based on the distance to the next Handelsplatz ( trading center ) and from the sort of grain of material which was handled. 1 Last = 60 Scheffel 54.961 Liters 1 Wispel = 24 Scheffel 1 Scheffel = 16 Metzen = 48 Stof 1 Viertel = 4 Metzen 1 Metze 3.435 Liters 1 Stof 1.145 Liter From about 1750 the Scheffel was 40 Stof. Beer and alcohol made a large part of the trade. In careful guarded privileges only a select few could brew and sell it. Bier (beer) 1 Tonne = 100 Stof 114.5 liters Brandwein 1 Ohm = 120 Quart 137.4 liters = 120 Stof 1 Quart = 1.145 liter
WEIGHTS. Again different measurements are used. The Stein (stone) had variation of 18 pounds. In Königsberg it was 40 Pfund (pounds, lbs.) in Danzig 34 Pfund and for Schafswolle ( sheepwool) it was 22 Pfund. 1 Zentner = 110 Pfund 51.448 Kg 1 Stein = 22 to 40 Pfund 1 Pfund = 32 Lot 467.7 grams 1 Lot = 14.62 grams
MEASUREMENT COMPARISONS for different areas of GERMANY. Ar 100 square meter (m²) Elle 2 Fuss Fuss 31.3 cm Haken Königsberg 12.531 Hektar Preussen 5.106 Hektar Hektar (ha) 10000 m² Hufe Saxonian 19.9 Hektar, Frankonian 23.9 Hektar Hufe 30 Morgen Klafter 3 Ellen Last 60 Scheffel Linie 2.174 Millimeter Lot 14.62 grams Meile 2000 Klafter or 7421.5 Meter Meter 100 cm or about 39 inches Metze 3.435 Liter Morgen Named after what could be plowed in a Morgen ( morning) 15.532 Ar Pfund(pound) 467.7 grams. Ruthe Hannover 16 Fuss Oldenburg 15 Fuss Preussen 12 Fuss Ruten 2 Klafter Scheffel 54.961 Liter Stein 22 to 40 pounds Stof 1.145 Liter Tagwerk 34.07 Ar Wispel 24 Scheffel Viertel (quarter) 1374 Liter Zentner 51.448 Kg Zoll 2.6 cm The Elle was named after the length of somebody’s radius bone (lower arm). The Schuh (shoe) was later renamed to Fuss(foot).
To have a better feeling for measurements below are most of today’s and yesteryears measurements of some importance to this database and website. This should not only be of help to english speaking people, but also provide some information to Europeans to comprehend the myriad of anglo/american measurements. All number are rounded to the last 3 digits. Length measurements 1 chain - 66 feet 20.117 Meter 1 ell - 45 inches 1.143 Meter 1 fathom 1.829 Meter 1 foot 0.305 Meter 1 furlong 1/8 of mile, 220 yards --- 201.165 Meters 1 inch .0254 Meter 1 league (International ) 5556 Meters 1 league (UK Nautical) 5560 Meters 1 league ( US Nautical) 4828 Meters 1 link (1/100 chain) 0.201 Meter 1 mile 1609 Meter, rounded to 1.6 K's 1 mile ( International Nautical ) 1852 Meters 1 mile ( UK Nautical) 1853 Meters 1 Geographische Meile 7420.44 Meters 1 pole 5.029 Meters 1 rod 5.029 Meters 1 Schritt ( Step ) 0.8 Meters 1 yard 0.914 Meter
Area Measurements 1 acre 0.405 ha 1 rood = 1210 yards ² 0.101 ha 1 section ( 1 mile ², 640 acres ) 2.69 kilometer ² 1 square foot .093 meter ² 1 square inch .00645 meter ² 1 square mile 2.6589 kilometer ² 1 square yard 0.836 meter ² 1 township ( 36 sections ) 93.240 kilometer ²
Mass Measurement 1 ounce 31.10 grams 1 pound 0. 454 kg 1 slug 14.54 kg 1 stone 6.50 kg 1 ton ( long ) 1016.04 kg 1 ton ( short ) 907.18 kg
Liquid Measurements 1 Gallon ( Imperial ) 4.546 liter 1 Gallon ( US) 3.785 liter 1 pint ( Imperial ) 0.568 liter 1 pint (US) 0.473 liter
Gradually an coinage system was introduced. Better farming method and the need to feed Bürger in the larger cities required a system which was not based on barter. For several products existed a need in the area outside East- and Westprussia. During the 1800 the values are as follow: 1 Reichsthaler = 90 Groschen (dime) 1 Groschen = 18 Pfenning (penny, cent) From 1822 on: 1 Reichsthaler = 30 Silbergroschen (silver) 1 Silbergroschen = 12 Pfenning From 1872 on: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennig Coinage in general was Pfenning,(cent, penny) 5 Pfennige(Nickel), Groschen,(Dime) 50 Pfennige( half a dollar) and a Mark coin. Beside the above mentioned coins a Gulden(1/3 of a thaler) and a schilling(1/3 of a Groschen) was used. The exchange rate between 1800 and 1822 was as follow: 1 Silbergroschen = 3 Groschen and 1 new Pfenning = 4.5 old Pfenning Between 1822 and 1872 it was: 1 Reichsthaler = 3 Mark 1 Silbergroschen = 10 Pfenning Last Update: Jaunary 1, 2004 |
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