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[Lithuanian-German-English ] [Settlements] [Historic Background] [Kolonist] [Measurements.] [Border Changes] [Laws] [The Social Fabric] [Miscellanea] [Database] [Entfernungsberechner - Distance Calculator ] [Umgebungssuche - Proximity Search] [Maps] [J.G.Knie] |
Since March 31, 2001 |
Welcome to the most comprehensive database of its kind in the world. It contains 109738 locations with over 45.115 name changes once, and 5,500 twice and more. All locations are EAST of the Oder and Neisse rivers and are based on the borders of the eastern provinces in Spring 1918. Included in this database are the following provinces: Eastprussia, including Memel, Westprussia, Brandenburg, Posen, Pomerania, and Silesia. It currently list most towns or points, points being: Mills, some bridges, battlefields, named trees, cenotaphs etc. As more information becomes available, (books, maps, your input etc) this database will be updated. I would also ask to advise me of any mistakes you may find at: ukrickha@memlane.com You have several ways or criteria to search. For my Polish visitors: No consideration is given to any accents of the Polish language. Any language evolves over time. Below is a list of letters and words which may have been changed and you may consider in entering these changes into your search. C with G or K, CK with K, CZ with SCH, DT with T, F with W, FF with W, IE or I with Ü,. PH with F, T with D, TH with T, Tsch with SCH, X with CHS, Y with I. Thal with Tal, Torf with Dorf, Guth with Gut, Louise with Luise, Hoff with Hof The word Torf may not be confused with today's word Torf which is peatmoss. Also consider the possible misreading of the old German writing of C which looks like a L . M which looks like a W or vice versa and B which looks like an L as well. Please refer to the alphabet in the map section. How to use Database: Ex. If you know that the German town you are looking for starts with an A, but you do not know any other details you do the following:
Ex. If you know that the German town you are looking for ends with the letter TEN, but you are not sure of what the city name begins with you could do the search as follows: *ten, but enter the province as well, since you are going to have too many returns. If it contains the syllable: ten, place *TEN* in the search field (This would return entries like Altensiedel, Entenfang, etc.) which contain both the syllables - ten - within. The ? wildcard is a pattern matching card and is best used when you know more about the town that you are looking for. Ex. As in the first example you are looking for a German city that starts with an A, but this time you also know that there are 4 letters in the name and it ends with an N. So you would place the following in the German Name text box:
Good Luck in your research. Viel Glück in der Forschung Uwe-Karsten Krickhahn
Dauersuche, permanent search für/for:.. KRICKHAHN, Westpreußen, Ostpreußen. DETLEVS, DETLEFS,DOOSE, Heide, Stellingen, Rellingen, Schleswig-Holstein and Iowa, USA
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[Lithuanian-German-English ] [Settlements] [Historic Background] [Kolonist] [Measurements.] [Border Changes] [Laws] [The Social Fabric] [Miscellanea] [Database] [Entfernungsberechner - Distance Calculator ] [Umgebungssuche - Proximity Search] [Maps] [J.G.Knie] |